January 12, 13


In Association With IHRD THARANG 2K23


About Program

This programme is coordinated in connection with THARANG , the annual enterpreneur fest organised by The Institution of Human Resource Development . The College of Applied Science , Vattamkulam offers several opportunities to build the professional careers among students through placement .TECHNOVATION 2K23 aims at providing holistic experience to the students by equipping them with an opportunity to learn , express and impress . The pioneer IHRD Tech Fest will be hosted by College of Applied Science , Vattamkulam .

It’s time to book your seat

welcome to TECHNOVATION 2K23, TECHNOVATION 2K23 ,The techno-cultural fest designed by The College of Applied Science , Vattamkulam is a gateway to showcase the Technical-Cultural and Enterpreneurial skill of the young talents .

Register Now


General Quiz
Ideators (Paper Presentation)
Redisign (Poster Making Online)
Fly To Grapher(Spot Photography)
Tech Hawk(Treasure Hunt)
Tech Around (Group Discussion)
Always Debatable(Debate)
Hackathon (Coding)
Hackathon (Programming)
Components Identification
Hackathon (Typing)
Tech-Intellect (Technical Quiz)
Hackathon (Debugging)
Technozzarre (Exhibition)
Tug Of War
Mobile Gaming

Contact Us

Technovation 2K23


College Of Applied Science VattamKulam

Staff Coordinators

Sharath Lal: 8157889900

Dr Fijo Jose K: 9496347708

Student Coordinators

Abdul Hashir: 7356086101

Arun VM: 9895710656

Jishnu SJ: 7736532626